
Today the trick i am going to share with you is very interesting and very usable.As we know that with the advancement of technology,the world changes totally.Now the document is in two form one the soft copy and the other one is hard copy means print.Sometime there is situation when we are unable to use computers or laptops we need hard copy of document. Sometime the size of document is to large means it contain a large number of pages but we need only some specific of them.We become worried how to do this.I also very tense when i don't know how to do this.

Lets move towards our post,so the question is:

How To Print Specific Pages In Microsoft Word?

1- Open Microsoft Word and go to file menu.

2- Then click on print option.

3- When print option opened,you will see there a field named pages means write the number of the pages you want print.

Let suppose you have a document file contain 15 total number of pages and you want to print page 3,5,7,8,9,then write these numbers in the filed as shown in the image.

4- Now give command for print and done,it will print only that pages you want.
